Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Second Chance Christmas Blitz & Giveaway

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Second Chance Christmas
(Turtleback Beach #3)
By Rula Sinara
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 Pages (Large Print)
January 1, 2021 by Harlequin Heartwarming

A beachside Christmas

Brings unexpected gifts!

A second chance. That’s what former navy SEAL Damon Woods asks for when Zuri Habib comes to Turtleback Beach with a nephew who looks just like him. After her sister’s death, Zuri believes Caden deserves to know his father—even if he did break her teenage heart. Can Damon and Zuri forgive each other and give a grieving boy the family he needs this Christmas?

USA TODAY Bestselling Author

Turtleback Beach
Book 1: Almost a Bride
Book 2: Caught by the Sheriff
Book 3: Second Chance Christmas

(Affiliate links include.)


DAMON FELT LIKE he’d had the air knocked out of him. Vera was dead? He was a father? He wasn’t sure which fact was tripping him more. He glanced over at the boy playing with Duck. The kid reminded him so much of his late, younger brother it hurt. He looked a lot like Damon, too. He knew it. The second he saw the boy and Zuri he knew in his gut something was wrong. She’d mentioned bringing a kid along, but Damon had assumed that meant she’d had a child in the years since he last saw her. He’d assumed that maybe she had a recent breakup and needed to get away. Lots of people came to the Outer Banks as an escape. His chest felt numb. He was a father and had been for the past twelve years and the truth had been kept from him? He’d been slammed and pulled under by monstrous waves before, but none had left his lungs feeling as useless as right now.

Throughout his training as a SEAL, through every covert operation overseas, through the past four years here as head of Turtleback Beach’s Ocean Rescue and Beach Patrol division...and all along he’d had a son. He muttered a curse and turned his back on her. He looked over the rough waters of the Atlantic, familiar with every square inch of the shoreline he lived on, yet fully aware that it never stayed the same. The ocean ebbed and flowed and changed its sands every day. He’d come to believe that he’d finally found stability in his life. What a lie. He should have known. He was trained to expect the unexpected. He just never thought it would involve a kid. Nor was he expecting it to involve the death of someone else from his past. He’d never quite gotten over the loss of his own brother. Or so many of his SEAL brothers in the line of duty.

“Are you sure?” The question sounded pathetic considering the boy’s looks. He had Woods in him all right. Those dark eyes, full lashes and the way his lips quirked and revealed dimples when he smiled were how everyone could always tell that Damon, Leo, Shawn and Lucas were brothers.

“That you’re the father? Absolutely. But you’re free to get tested.”

He might have to get tested if Vera didn’t have him listed on the birth certificate, but the boy was definitely a younger version of him...or more so, Lucas. He looked so much like a Woods that the sight of him opened an old wound. Lucas couldn’t have been much older than Caden when Damon had gotten word, while overseas, that he’d drowned. The memory still haunted him. Lucas had been the youngest of four. Damon, the oldest. And he still couldn’t get past the belief that, had he not escaped his home life the first chance he had, he’d have been around to save his little brother.

A lump rose in his chest and he tried rubbing it away but it grew and hardened when he turned and caught Zuri wiping her cheeks. She’d lost her older sister. He knew the pain she had to be going through. He sucked in a breath of salty air and tucked his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker to keep himself from wrapping his arms around her. There was a time when doing so would have felt natural and expected, but not anymore.

Other Books in the Series

(Linked to Amazon affiliate links.)

About the Author

National and USA Today Bestselling author Rula Sinara lives in rural Virginia with her family and crazy but endearing pets. She loves organic gardening, attracting wildlife to her yard, planting trees, raising backyard chickens and drinking more coffee than she'll ever admit to. Rula's writing has earned her a National Readers Choice Award and HOLT Medallion Award of Merit, among other honors. You can discover more about Rula at her blog A Writer’s Rush, on Twitter, on Facebook as RulaSinaraAuthor or on her website, where you can also sign up for her newsletter.

Blitz Giveaway

One winner will receive a Kindle gifted copy of Almost a Bride OR Caught by the Sheriff (winner's choice)

US only
Ends January 10, 2021

Grab Our Button!

Friday, January 1, 2021

Welcome 2021!

It's hard not to say 'Happy New Year!' without a giant sigh of relief. I know the end of the pandemic and the rest of the tragedies and heartaches of 2020 aren't fully behind us, but a new year brings new hope. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

My heart goes out to all who have suffered and my sympathy to all who have lost a loved one. I truly hope that 2021 brings happiness and good health to all.

Wishing you peace and love,


RELEASING TODAY (may it offer you a bit of an escape):

A beachside Christmas

Brings unexpected gifts! A second chance. That’s what former navy SEAL Damon Woods asks for when Zuri Habib comes to Turtleback Beach with a nephew who looks just like him. After her sister’s death, Zuri believes Caden deserves to know his father—even if he did break her teenage heart. Can Damon and Zuri forgive each other and give a grieving boy the family he needs this Christmas?

Plus a Prism Book Tour Blitz with a giveaway coming soon! January 6-10!

Monday, March 9, 2020

Book Blitz with Prism Book Tours!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Caught by the Sheriff
(Turtleback Beach #2)
By Rula Sinara
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 Pages
March 1st 2020 by Harlequin Heartwarming

If she follows her heart…

Will he follow the law?

Turtleback Beach, North Carolina, would be paradise—if Faye Donovan wasn’t on the run. With her sister’s life in danger and her small niece to protect, Faye tries to avoid handsome town sheriff Carlos Ryker. But Carlos offers her a refuge, and Faye feels she’s finally found home. And yet he’s still the sheriff. Can she trust him with the truth…even if it means risking everything?

(Amazon affiliate link included.)

Other Books in the Series

Almost a Bride
(Turtleback Beach #1)
By Rula Sinara
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 Pages
June 1st 2019 by Harlequin Heartwarming

Can he love her…

And keep her safe?

No one in Turtleback Beach knows that veterinarian Grayson Zale is in the witness protection program—not even the woman who left him at the altar. When a joint inheritance brings Mandi Rivers back to their small seaside town, Gray can’t deny that their connection is as strong as ever. But his mysterious past remains between them; can he reveal the truth without endangering Mandi—and their future?

(Amazon affiliate link included.)

About the Author

National and USA Today Bestselling author Rula Sinara lives in rural Virginia with her family and crazy but endearing pets. She loves organic gardening, attracting wildlife to her yard, planting trees, raising backyard chickens and drinking more coffee than she'll ever admit to. Rula's writing has earned her a National Readers Choice Award and HOLT Medallion Award of Merit, among other honors. You can discover more about Rula at her blog A Writer’s Rush, on Twitter, on Facebook as RulaSinaraAuthor or on her website, where you can also sign up for her newsletter.

Grab Our Button!

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Release Day! Caught by the Sheriff

It's release day for Caught by the Sheriff, the second book in my Turtleback Beach series for Harlequin Heartwarming! I'm also over at the Heartwarming blog today talking about the Outer Banks beach setting for the series, complete with a few pics I took on my last vacation there. 'The Outer Banks-Romance on the Beach'.

I've included the info on books 1 and 2 below for anyone just starting the series or stocking up on summer reads!

Caught by the Sheriff
Book 2 Turtleback Beach
Harlequin Heartwarming
March 2020

If she follows her heart…

Will he follow the law?

Turtleback Beach, North Carolina, would be paradise—if Faye Donovan wasn’t on the run. With her sister’s life in danger and her small niece to protect, Faye tries to avoid handsome town sheriff Carlos Ryker. But Carlos offers her a refuge, and Faye feels she’s finally found home. And yet he’s still the sheriff. Can she trust him with the truth…even if it means risking everything?

Almost a Bride
Book 1 Turtleback Beach
Harlequin Heartwarming
June 2019

Can he love her…

And keep her safe?

No one in Turtleback Beach knows that veterinarian Grayson Zale is in the witness protection program—not even the woman who left him at the altar. When a joint inheritance brings Mandi Rivers back to their small seaside town, Gray can’t deny that their connection is as strong as ever. But his mysterious past remains between them; can he reveal the truth without endangering Mandi—and their future?

Happy Reading!


Friday, February 14, 2020

Books over blooms & puppy love. Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! Consider giving books instead of blooms this year! A romance novel makes a sneeze-free, super romantic gift! You can inscribe it with a love note or, if you don't have a romantic someone in your life, then give it as a sign of friendship :). This day should be for all forms of love and a reminder to let people know you appreciate them. And don't forget to treat yourself with some love, too! Maybe a little snuggle 'me' time with a book ;).

Turtleback Beach book 2
Harlequin, Amazon, BN

For missed my 'Puppy Love' post with Catherine Lanigan over at the Heartwarming Author's blog earlier this month, I've included it below. I'd love to hear about dogs who have filled your lives with love! My Turtleback Beach series includes dog 'stars' in every book. In fact, book 2, Caught by the Sheriff, is out now on and releases in March everywhere else! The Harlequin site has a preview up as well and they have a Valentine's Day sale going on that ends at 11:59pm ET tonight, February 14, 2020. 

And here's the post as it appeared on the Heartwarming Authors Blog Feb 4th...

Catherine's Golden Retriever pups

RULA:​ I bet that with Valentine’s Day around the corner, you all assuming that by ‘puppy love’ we’re talking about first romantic crushes. Nope! We’re literally talking about dogs or puppies who’ve stolen our hearts (in person or in books/TV/film), become family members or best friends and even heroes. Any fellow dog lovers out there?

The thing about Valentine’s Day is that not everyone has a romantic partner to celebrate it with and, because of that, a lot of people feel left out or downright depressed when the official day of romance rolls around. The pressure and stigma of not having a date can be stressful! As romance writers, we’re all about falling in love, but I say we should turn Heart Day on its head and push for it being associated more and more about LOVE in general. All kinds of love, including that of our furry friends. 

One of Rula's two labradoodles

Dogs of different breeds play a big role in my Turtleback Beach series for Harlequin Heartwarming. In my upcoming March release, ​Caught by the Sheriff ​ (book 2), the residents of the small town have a traditional beach bonfire celebration on Valentine’s Day, where there’s no pressure to have a date and everyone can celebrate the day regardless of relationship status. Many of the folks do bring their dogs along, though. I mean think about it…no matter where you are in life a beloved dog will always stand by your side and give you unconditional love. There’s a bit of dog romance going on in the story too ;). 

I’ve always had dogs growing up, from mixed breeds/rescues to cocker spaniels and labradoodles. I love dogs (cats too, but this is about puppy love). I used to be terrified of them when I was little, but watching the show “Lassie” growing up changed all that. One of these days I hope to have a rough collie (Lassie’s breed) of my own. In fact, the first book of my Turtleback Beach series, Almost a Bride, stars a rough collie like Lassie who plays a role in bringing my hero and heroine back together again, years after she left him at the altar. Oh, and the book has kittens too, for cat lovers ;). 

Rough Collie...just like 'Lassie'!
(image credit Clarita on

Caught by the Sheriff ​ includes the hero’s part Great Dane/mixed breed rescue (he takes in elderly dogs who are less likely to be adopted), a bulldog, the same rough collie, a Newfoundland puppy and many other breeds, since my heroine is a dog trainer/groomer who is on the run and hiding out in Turtleback Beach with a toddler who isn’t her own (yep…suspense!). Anyone love Great Danes or other ‘gentle giant’ breeds? What about bulldogs or toy breeds? 

Great Dane
(image credit Palomino at

What about water loving, giant Newfoundland dogs? I have a small flock of ducks and when they say a duck can turn a drop of water into a mud puddle, they’re not kidding. Well, the same is true of Newfies. They love water! I mean LOVE it. I’ve never owned a Newfie but I’ve met a few. They are great water rescue dogs, which is why the hero in the third book of the series (I’m currently writing)…who runs the beach water patrol/rescue…has a Newfoundland who’ll play a big role in the story.

(image credit Terranovesca at
So do you have any favorite breeds or pets who’ve brought unconditional love into your lives? Any funny dog stories or situations you’ve run into? Or favorite dog characters in movies? What about you, Catherine? 

CATHERINE​: I, too, bless our furry family members who add so much to our lives and remind us every day that life is about so much more than just working, paying the bills, and struggling with family issues and illnesses. Life is about loving. All kinds of loving. One of the endearing qualities about Heartwarming novels is this all-encompassing perspective on love that pervades our stories. We write about family, friends, community in addition to the romance. 

Not only am I a puppy and dog lover, (cats, too as I’ve had several in my life), but I have the most adorable photos to share of my 8 Golden Retriever puppies who manage to make their way into more than half my novels. All my Goldens now live on the Rainbow Bridge waiting to be reunited with me, but the thing I love about being an author is that their loving spirits and antics have always added so much to my stories. 

Catherine's Golden Retriever pups eating dinner at Christmas
My “babies” were born on December 1st making them Christmas babies and believe me, the videos of my then, 14 month old granddaughter playing in the pen with 8 Golden puppies on Christmas Eve is right out of a Hallmark movie. 

Catherine's Golden pups

In my latest release for Heartwarming, HOME FOR CHRISTMAS, Titus and Adam Masterson are masters to a very pregnant Angel who gives birth to her puppies on Christmas Eve. Though I helped “midwife” my puppies into the world, I didn’t go into that much detail in the book. Some of you may remember that Sarah Jensen Bosworth’s Golden, Beau, was featured in LOVE SHADOWS and returned for encores in several subsequent stories. He’s always been a hit with the kiddos of Indian Lake. 

 And of course, in SOPHIE’S PATH, was adorable tiny “Frenchie” the Yorkie Poo who stole everyone’s heart, especially when I tweeted about the real life, Piper, and her antics when she came to visit me here at home. 

Frenchie the yorkipoo star of Sophie's Path

Frenchie the yorkipoo 

Scout...a German shepherd who belongs to Catherine's friend

So, everyone, what ARE your favorite breeds? Do you like writing about dogs and puppies? What are your favorites? Share your puppy love!

Caught by the Sheriff
(Turtleback Beach Book 2)
March 2020

If she follows her heart…

Will he follow the law?

Turtleback Beach, North Carolina, would be paradise—if Faye Donovan wasn’t on the run. With her sister’s life in danger and her small niece to protect, Faye tries to avoid handsome town sheriff Carlos Ryker. But Carlos offers her a refuge, and Faye feels she’s finally found home. And yet he’s still the sheriff. Can she trust him with the truth…even if it means risking everything?

Home for Christmas
(Shores of Indian Lake Book 12)
Nov 2019

Can a magical Christmas under glass…

…bring them back together for good?

Widowed dad Adam Masterson still doesn’t understand why Joy Boston left Indian Lake and broke his heart all those years ago. Now she’s returned to sell her grandfather’s beloved poinsettia greenhouse—and Joy and Adam’s connection is as strong as ever. But Joy has a life in New York. And Adam has only until Christmas to convince Joy that she belongs in Indian Lake—with him.

Sending everyone our love this Valentine's Day!

Rula & Catherine

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

New Release! Beach Romance, Runaway Bride & Witness Protection...

Happy June! I'm celebrating the release of the first book in my new series that's set in a small, fictional beach town along the Outer Banks of North Carolina. In fact, I'm over at the Harlequin Heartwarming Authors blog today talking about the setting...the fictional town of Turtleback Beach, located somewhere between the real towns of Rodanthe and Avon on the more pristine southern end of the Outer Banks. Yep, the same town made famous by Nicholas Spark's Nights in Rodanthe. I do promise that, although there's a dose of suspense and danger in Almost a Bride, the romance does have a happy ending.

The Outer Banks are one of my favorite places to visit. Follow me over the Heartwarming blog to see some photos of the area from a family vacation (HERE). I didn't have any of the Hatteras lighthouse we climbed, but you can see the stunning lighthouses along the Outer Banks with a quick Google search. Or look closely and you'll spot on on the cover of my book! My inspiration for the hero and heroine were actors Eric Bana and Jessica Alba. The art department at Harlequin did a fabulous job!

From the runaway bride, witness protection, sea turtle rescue, a dog just like the famous Lassie, kittens and more...I hope you embark on this new series journey with me and enjoy the ride!

Oh...and in other news, I found out last month that The Twin Test (book 5 of 6 in my From Kenya, With Love series) is a National Reader's Choice Award finalist for Contemporary Series!

For those who haven't read the series, it has an almost family saga feel that takes place over two generations and is filled with romance and adventure in Kenya's Serengeti and Masai Mara region. The 6 book series is now complete and can be found at your favorite online store. You can find it on Amazon HERE.

As for my latest...

Series: Turtleback Beach
Book 1: Almost a Bride
Release dates: June 1, 2019 ebook/ June 4, 2019 print

Can he love her…

And keep her safe?

No one in Turtleback Beach knows that veterinarian Grayson Zale is in the witness protection program—not even the woman who left him at the altar. When a joint inheritance brings Mandi Rivers back to their small seaside town, Gray can’t deny that their connection is as strong as ever. But his mysterious past remains between them; can he reveal the truth without endangering Mandi—and their future?

and other online retailers

ebook ASIN: B07J6B94VD
Paperback ISBN-13: 978-1335510716

Find it on Goodreads

Happy summer reading!


Monday, February 4, 2019

Book Tour Grand Finale for The Marine's Return

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Grand Finale for
The Marine's Return
By Rula Sinara

We hope you enjoyed the tour! If you missed any of the stops
you can see snippets, as well as the link to each full post, below:

Launch - Note from the Author

Thank you for stopping by my book release tour for THE MARINE’S RETURN, the sixth and final book in my ‘From Kenya, With Love’ series for Harlequin Heartwarming. I’ve loved everything about writing this series, from the romance and characters, including the endearing orphaned baby elephants, to ‘traveling’ to the breathtaking setting of Kenya’s Serengeti ecosystem and Masai Mara regions every time I sat down to type. You can read my Dear Reader letter from the Prism Release Blitz that took place the first week of January and find out more about the series as a whole HERE...

"The Marine’s Return is so well written. I love the characters, and reading about the familiar characters from the other two books I read was so enjoyable. Chad and Lexi’s interactions are so much fun to read. In fact, you’re going to love how two other characters come together too! . . . I highly recommend The Marine’s Return because of the amazing characters, descriptive setting, exciting story line, and sweet romance."

A single, lonely acacia tree graced the top of it like one of those paper umbrellas used for decorating fancy drinks. Only there was nothing fancy about this place. He hadn’t seen the hill from the camp. The view would have been blocked by the trees flanking the exam tent, but he did recall seeing a hill and some outcroppings from the chopper. The rest of the area spread into farmland and savannah prairies, with the occasional tree dappling the landscape. He had to admit, Lexi was smart. She knew exactly where he’d want to go.

“A vantage point,” he called out over the engine noise in acknowledgment of her plan.

“A sensible starting point. Some people get so obsessed with the details that they lose sight of the big picture.” She pressed her lips together and gave him a quick side glance.

No comment.

"This novel addresses some of the many sacrifices made by those in armed forces and their families. Additionally it address, illegal poaching, and the inner strength individuals fin within themselves. . . The characters feel very real and the background scenes are vividly portrayed in script. The reader will, truly, feel herself/himself connected to the characters and the African terrain."

A thorny acacia-branch fence formed a protective thicket around each of the homestead villages. The Masai women, men and children, dressed in their famously vibrant colors, dotted the earthy hues of the drought-stricken landscape like precious gems. The stark opposite, it occurred to him, of the camouflage he’d been accustomed to in the war-ravaged regions of Afghanistan.

His sister, Maddie, who used her position as a lawyer to fight for the human rights of Kenya’s indigenous tribes, had used that word. Precious. She’d said that the Masai and other tribes were precious, and the beauty of their culture and the people were in danger of being lost to the greedy. His mother had devoted her life to helping the Masai, too. As was Lexi. And here he was, ready to get in the way. Who was the enemy here? He’d grown up in this place and everything—from the people to the surroundings—was a part of him. But whose side was he on now? Protecting Lexi would mean taking critical care away from others. She was right.

Splashes of Joy - Review

"I really did enjoy this story. This is the first book in the series that I have read and I hope to read more from this author. I enjoyed the creative characters and the way they seem so realistic. I have not read very many books set in Kenya, so this part of the book was very interesting to me. I enjoyed the scenes at the clinic as well as the surrounding areas. The talk about the wildlife, and especially how they could he at the sounds of the wild."

Among the Reads - Review

"Kenya is a country on my list of places I would love to visit. And I enjoyed being able to do that vicariously through The Marine’s Return."

"Compelling and emotionally gripping, The Marine’s Return concludes the epic six-book series that will live on in my memory and that I highly recommend. . . . Romance fans will be delighted with Chad and Lexi’s story, but The Marine’s Return is so much more than a typical romance. Sinara’s writing flows easily across the page, conveys rich and vivid characters and scenes, and captured me emotionally from the first page."

"This is a book that everyone should read. . . . This was a fun book to read, and I liked there was a lot of family in it. Even though it is part of a series, I did not feel as though I was missing any information, and was a great stand alone for me. . . . The ending was a great fit, and I enjoyed it"

"The Marine’s Return by Rula Sinara is fabulous. I thoroughly enjoyed the story, the characters, the setting, and family. Lexi and Chad are such beautiful characters, their story adds splendidly to the others in the From Kenya, With Love Series. I haven’t read the first five books but if I find the time I will be reading them. We are given a glimpse of the others throughout the story, and I fell in love with all of them."

E-Romance News - Excerpt

Lexi’s footsteps stopped suddenly. He turned and caught her wincing and touching her side. For a moment he was in Kabul, on one of his early missions, not far from the embassy. A car bomb had detonated and shots were being fired. Screams pierced the air. A woman was running down the street, trying to find shelter. He saw the bullet hit her. She grabbed her side and crumpled to the ground.

In less than five seconds he was at Lexi’s side with his arm around her back, helping her to ease down onto a small boulder.

“What’s wrong? Are you in labor?” He quickly dried his forehead against his shoulder.

“What? No! I’m okay. I just need to sit a minute.”

EmpowerMoms - Review

"I enjoyed reading about the culture and way of life and the different struggles and dangers they face there. . . . Good story line and characters! Clean romance. I enjoyed reading it!"

Becky on Books - Review

"Another winner! . . . I love each story in the From Kenya…with Love series–not only do the characters feel like old friends (a feat that they manage even if you haven’t read all–or any–of the other series books) but the setting is absolutely amazing. Even though I’ve never been to Kenya, I almost feel as if I have once I finish one of these books. The Marine’s Return is no exception to this rule! . . . I really enjoyed Chad and Lexi’s story. It’s a solid blend of relationship drama (past and present romantic relationships, as well as family ones) and situational."

Harlie's Books - Review

"The first book that I have read by this author; last book in the series; the setting is in Africa, and I really didn’t know what to expect. Well, let me tell you this book surprised me in ways that I never saw coming. Seriously. I read a lot of Heartwarming books but this one just grabbed me and wouldn’t let go. . . . I tell you this every time I read a Harlequin Heartwarming story, please read this line. Its character heavy, sweet/slow building romance that anyone can read and in the end finish with a smile on their face. I do every time and this time, I’m still thinking about it."

She was too aggravating and stone-headed.

And she thinks you’re good-looking.

Why did that matter? It didn’t. It shouldn’t. It was just that she’d never mentioned the scars on his face, his limp or his missing arm. She seemed to look right past all of it, and that got to him. Did he want her to notice? Did he need her to acknowledge what he’d been through and how he was suffering? He abhorred pity yet, at the same time, did he want it? Expect it?

He closed his eyes and exhaled. She wasn’t like everyone else. Something about her unsettled him. Perplexed him.

Remembrancy - Review

"With a touch of mystery, a second romance thread, and appearances from characters from the other books, Rula Sinara brings her series full circle while displaying the beauty and dangers of life in Africa."

"Chad and Lexi were great characters that I enjoyed getting to know. The story is one that was sweet, clean and heartwarming. It did tug at my heart at times, too. . . . Great read!"

"A great ending to the From Kenya, With Love series! . . . The story line was quickly entrenched in emotions and intrigue, and watching Chad and Lexi connect was rewarding. Getting to catch up with so many of the past members of the series was a wonderfully fitting ending. Absolutely loved it and sorry to see the series end!"

"If you haven’t read this series yet, you simply must. Start at the beginning for full effect, though each book can be read as a standalone. The Marine’s Return engages readers from start to finish, and Chad and Lexi’s multi-dimensional stories tug at the heart."

Hallie Reads - Review

"Take a trip to Kenya with Rula Sinara’s final From Kenya, With Love book, The Marine’s Return. It’s an adventure, full of romance and danger, that contemporary-romance readers shouldn’t want to miss."

Wishful Endings - Review

"THE MARINE'S RETURN takes readers to remote Africa as a woman tries to bring medical help to indigenous tribes and as a man tries to come to terms with his new reality after losing a limb serving in the military. The story is full of heart, conviction, friendship, family, and sweet romance. Recommended to fans of the series and of sweet romance. . . . This was a sweet story that tugged on my heart. An excellent ending to the series. I'm looking forward to more from this author!"

Don't forget to enter the giveaway below, if you haven't already...

The Marine's Return
(From Kenya, with Love #6)
By Rula Sinara
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 Pages
January 1st 2019 by Harlequin Heartwarming

He can’t be her hero…

But he made a promise to keep her safe

Wounded marine Chad Corallis just wants to be left alone. Until he discovers his best friend’s very pregnant widow is in danger. A dedicated nurse, she refuses to leave her Serengeti medical clinic when it’s threatened by poachers. Chad is honor-bound to protect her, but who will save him from falling for his best friend’s wife?

Other Books in the Series

About the Author

National and USA Today Bestselling author Rula Sinara lives in rural Virginia with her family and crazy but endearing pets. She loves organic gardening, attracting wildlife to her yard, planting trees, raising backyard chickens and drinking more coffee than she'll ever admit to. Rula's writing has earned her a National Readers Choice Award and HOLT Medallion Award of Merit, among other honors. You can discover more about Rula at her blog A Writer’s Rush, on Twitter, on Facebook as RulaSinaraAuthor or on her website, where you can also sign up for her newsletter.

Tour Giveaway

- Autographed print copies of the first three books of the ‘From Kenya, With Love’ series – The Promise of Rain, After the Silence and Through the Storm.
- A set of three, 15x15in canvas tote bags featuring the first 3 covers of the ‘From Kenya, With Love’ series.
- A 12x18 Harlequin Heartwarming tote bag
- A ‘Teenie Beanie Baby’ (TY trademark) elephant named ‘Peanut’
- Bookmarks

Open internationally
Ends February 6, 2019

Grab Our Button!

Monday, January 28, 2019

Book Tour & Giveaway!

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Book Tour Launch for
The Marine's Return
By Rula Sinara

Note from the Author

Thank you for stopping by my book release tour for THE MARINE’S RETURN, the sixth and final book in my ‘From Kenya, With Love’ series for Harlequin Heartwarming. I’ve loved everything about writing this series, from the romance and characters, including the endearing orphaned baby elephants, to ‘traveling’ to the breathtaking setting of Kenya’s Serengeti ecosystem and Masai Mara regions every time I sat down to type. You can read my Dear Reader letter from the Prism Release Blitz that took place the first week of January and find out more about the series as a whole HERE. Many of you have been journeying with me since the series began with THE PROMISE OF RAIN and some of you (I’ve heard) are binge reading the series to catch up or catch books you missed. Thank you so much!! I’ll admit that, over the holidays, I spent time binge reading/watching several book and TV series that I fell behind on. It was a great way to decompress and ‘get away’ on an inexpensive vacation. Our imagination is a wonderful thing and I’m humbled and grateful for all who have welcomed the setting and characters of my ‘From Kenya, With Love’ series into theirs.

Also, although my ‘From Kenya, With Love’ series is coming to a close, I’m embarking on a new series for Harlequin Heartwarming that will take you from rescuing elephants in Africa to saving sea turtles along the Outer Banks of North Carolina. My ‘Turtleback Beach’ series is set in a fictional beach town along the more southern Hatteras Island of the Outer Banks and the first book, ALMOST A BRIDE, which involves a runaway bride and an ex-military hero in the witness protection program, releases June 1, 2019.

— Rula

The Marine's Return
(From Kenya, with Love #6)
By Rula Sinara
Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 384 Pages
January 1st 2019 by Harlequin Heartwarming

He can’t be her hero…

But he made a promise to keep her safe

Wounded marine Chad Corallis just wants to be left alone. Until he discovers his best friend’s very pregnant widow is in danger. A dedicated nurse, she refuses to leave her Serengeti medical clinic when it’s threatened by poachers. Chad is honor-bound to protect her, but who will save him from falling for his best friend’s wife?

Tour Schedule

January 28th:
Christy's Cozy Corners
underneath the covers
Hearts & Scribbles
Rockin' Book Reviews
January 29th:
Splashes of Joy
Among the Reads
The Power of Words
Deal Sharing Aunt
January 30th:
Baroness Book Trove
E-Romance News
Becky on Books
January 31st:
Harlie's Books
Book Reviews & More by Kathy
Locks, Hooks and Books
February 1st:
Thoughts of a Blonde
Reading Is My SuperPower
Hallie Reads
Wishful Endings
February 2nd:
Grand Finale

Other Books in the Series

About the Author

National and USA Today Bestselling author Rula Sinara lives in rural Virginia with her family and crazy but endearing pets. She loves organic gardening, attracting wildlife to her yard, planting trees, raising backyard chickens and drinking more coffee than she'll ever admit to. Rula's writing has earned her a National Readers Choice Award and HOLT Medallion Award of Merit, among other honors. You can discover more about Rula at her blog A Writer’s Rush, on Twitter, on Facebook as RulaSinaraAuthor or on her website, where you can also sign up for her newsletter.

Tour Giveaway

- Autographed print copies of the first three books of the ‘From Kenya, With Love’ series – The Promise of Rain, After the Silence and Through the Storm.
- A set of three, 15x15in canvas tote bags featuring the first 3 covers of the ‘From Kenya, With Love’ series.
- A 12x18 Harlequin Heartwarming tote bag
- A ‘Teenie Beanie Baby’ (TY trademark) elephant named ‘Peanut’
- Bookmarks

Open internationally
Ends February 6, 2019

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