Thursday, August 22, 2013


Hi everyone! Just popping in to let you know that I'll be taking one more week off. I've had an eventful August so far, and I have line edits (first time) due next week on The Promise of Rain. I do have a blog post up today at The Heartwarming Authors Blog. It's on teen drivers and you can check it out HERE.

I'll be back soon!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Summer Break

Happy Friday!

Big apologies for not being around this week to blog on my usual schedule. I feel like I'm nearing summer's finish line and need more steam. This is the month where back-to-school shopping, annual physicals, dental appointments etc...take over my calendar. Also, I'm hosting a big family gathering this weekend, so I have a lot to get done. I'll be cooking from scratch for almost 40 people.

I'll be taking a blog break next week as well. I'll try to come around and visit with all of you. I just won't be posting here. However, I do have author interviews lined up, so do check back :).

I hope everyone has an awesome weekend!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Marketing Must Read and More

Huge apologies for missing my Tuesday post (unforeseeable circumstances), but I have a couple of links that will make up for it :).

T-SHIRT GIVEAWAY: Check out fellow Heartwarming author Jennifer Snow's blog and excerpt for the first book in her Brookhollow series releasing this November. She's doing a custom t-shirt giveaway and all you have to do to enter the drawing is leave a comment HERE.

MARKETING BOOK RECOMMENDATION: When I was in Atlanta for Nationals, I attended a workshop where author Valerie Bowman was one of five authors on a panel. I could tell from the tips she was giving that she knew her marketing. I just downloaded her book, Painless Marketing for Busy Authors, off Amazon. It's only 99 cents but it's worth a million in marketing advice, links and resources. It's not long, so it's a quick read for busy authors, but it's packed with ideas and I can't recommend it enough. Plus, her style of writing makes it a fun and lively read as well. Buy it HERE. (Note: I don't get anything out of recommending her book. I simply think it's worth it.)

HEARTWARMING POST: It's my day to post over at The Heartwarming Author's blog, so pop by and see what beauty I found on my doorstep...courtesy of organic gardening :).

Happy August!