Monday, April 2, 2012

Hack Protection

I did survive April Fool's Day...sort of. My kids had friends over (all under 15) and they played outside most of the day. The house was pretty quiet until they sent the youngest in screaming that the others had hopped on my husband's John Deere and taken off to 7-Eleven. Soooo NOT okay! In a panic, I didn't stop to note that we never leave the key in the tractor. Nope, I just ran out, cell phone in hand ready to dial for help...and I ran right into the entire group of kids standing in the driveway cracking up. Very funny.

Not so funny is having your computer hacked and it's happening more and more these days. The Ruby Slippered Sisterhood, home of the Golden Heart finalists and a group of incredibly talented, intelligent and wise writers, has a must-read, two part post on hacker protection. It's called '10 Ways To Reduce Hack Risk' and part one was posted on Friday. Part two is up today. Very eye opening!

It's spring break in our area, so I have to go make sure the kids aren't planning more practical jokes. Maybe I should come up with a few of my own ... ;)


  1. Hey Jennifer! Yep, they really did LOL.

    Have fun on your blog tour for Sunny Days for Sam! Can't wait to read it :)

  2. Lucky for me, I didn't have any tricks played on me. I have to go read that article you mentioned.

  3. J.L. - Lucky you :) Today, they kept telling me how gullible I am lol.

    Carol - Yeah, and Mom is outnumbered. Sigh. Good thing I have a sense of humor...and I know how to use it...;)

  4. LOL, Rula, how cute. Well, not at the time, I guess. :-) But at least their prank didn't involve anything creepy-crawly. Thank you for the link--the RSS blog is one of my favorites, too! :-)

  5. Kathy - They know I'm weird and don't mind crawling critters ;)but they also know I'm a careful and paranoid mother LOL. They got me good :).

    Kaily - I feel so ganged up on by guys in my house LOL! They are ridiculously funny at times though :)
